Strategies for Adverse Events Management with First-Line Amivantamab + Lazertinib and Osimertinib-Based Regimens in EGFR-mutated Metastatic NSCLC.


The panelist discusses how, Healthcare professionals manage distinct toxicities with ami+laz (IRRs, rash) and osi+chemotherapyctx (cytopenias, diarrhea, fatigue). SKIPPirr informs IRR mitigation in ami’s first infusion. Proactive AE strategies include premedication, dose adjustments, supportive care, and monitoring.

Video content above is prompted by the following:

  • What are the toxicity differences you encounter when using i.e. combination ami+laz, chemotherapyosi+ctx?
  • Please discuss your proactive AE management strategies.
  • Ami/Laz: How does recent data from SKIPPirr inform your approach to managing IRRs in that first infusion of amivantamab? What proactive AE management strategies do you implement for dermatological toxicities like rash.
  • chemotherapyOsi/ Ctx: What are proactive AE management strategies for cytopenias, diarrhea and fatigue?
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