Special Reports
Wave of Innovation Reshapes Treatments for Genitourinary Cancers
January 18th 2024Francesca Jackson-Spence, PhD, and Matthew Young, MD, delved into the major advances in genitourinary cancer treatment, including breakthroughs in immunotherapy, targeted therapies, and early detection that offer new hope for patients.
Promising Road Lies Ahead for Bispecific Antibody Combinations in Hematologic Malignancies
November 7th 2023As a monotherapy, bispecific antibodies have demonstrated antitumor activity in heavily pretreated patients with B-cell and T-cell hematologic malignancies, but much work is needed to determine the optimal setting.
In Advanced Prostate Cancer, a String of Modest Gains Are Changing Patient Care
September 27th 2023Robert Dreicer, MD, MS, MACP, FASCO, acknowledges that there have been substantial developments in therapies and strategies for treating prostate cancer, leading to heightened expectations of breakthroughs in the field.
Oncologists Encounter Challenges to Accessing PSMA-Targeted Therapy in Prostate Cancer
June 15th 2023Though the radioligand therapy lutetium Lu 177 vipivotide tetraxetan was approved in 2022 for PSMA-avid patients, several practical considerations have limited its use among patients with prostate cancer.
Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer: Hope Emerges Amid Widening Range of New Therapies
June 14th 2023Though scientific advances have been encouraging in the thyroid cancer space, there is much more work to be done to figure out exactly how to tailor the right therapy, or combination of therapies, for individual patients.
Current Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Oncology
April 27th 2023As we better understand the use of artificial intelligence in oncology, experts can improve outcomes, develop approaches to solve problems, advance the development of treatments that are made available to patients with cancer, and more.
Taking on the Challenge to Develop New Therapies for Pediatric Solid Tumors
January 31st 2023Both pediatric brain cancers and sarcomas have an extremely dismal outcome in the relapse setting, according to Catherine Bollard, MD. A new Cancer Grand Challenge aims to address the issue with the development of new therapies.
Health Derailed in Houston After Authorities Confirm Liver Cancer Cluster
October 31st 2022Considering the higher-than-average rate of liver cancer in Texas as a whole, it was unexpected that the Kashmere Gardens neighborhood cluster would be linked to environmental issues. Texas Department of State Health Services and the City of Houston confirm the cluster exists and is caused by toxins polluted into the soil by The Union Pacific Railroad.
Air Pollution and Cancer Risk Found Among Black, Low-Income Residents in Louisiana
July 18th 2022Investigators at Tulane University have identified a relationship that linked cancer incidence and cancer risk from air pollution in Louisiana among Black or low-income communities, which were more likely to be affected than other populations.