Efficacy and Safety of 2L therapies for RS+ patients


  • Please discuss the efficacy and safety findings from studies supporting currently available 2L therapies and how they inform your treatment choices for patients who are RS positive:
  • IMerge (Platzbecker et al. Lancet 2024) (Santini et al. EHA 2024, Abstr. S184)
  • MEDALIST (Fenaux et al. NEJM 2020) (Santini et al. ASH 2023, Abstr. 915)
  • Please describe the similarities/differences between the two trials regarding the data related to defining transfusion independence.
  • Compare/contrast the data from IMerge and MEDALIST for patients based on whether they received (a) 2 to <4 units, (b) 4 to <6, or (c) ≥6 units every 8 weeks
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Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
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