Bladder Cancer


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FDA Considers UGN-102 in Low-Grade NMIBC
FDA Considers UGN-102 in Low-Grade NMIBC

August 15th 2024

A new drug application has been submitted to the FDA for UGN-102, an intravesical solution for treating low-grade, intermediate-risk non–muscle-invasive bladder cancer.

Cretostimogene Grenadenorepvec Shows High CR Rate in BCG-Unresponsive NMIBC
Cretostimogene Grenadenorepvec Shows High CR Rate in BCG-Unresponsive NMIBC

July 17th 2024

Long-Term Data Supports Nadofaragene Firadenovec in High-Risk NMIBC
Long-Term Data Supports Nadofaragene Firadenovec in High-Risk NMIBC

June 28th 2024

Phase 3 NIAGARA Trial of Durvalumab/Chemo Shows Enhanced Survival in MIBC
Phase 3 NIAGARA Trial of Durvalumab/Chemo Shows Enhanced Survival in MIBC

June 25th 2024

ctDNA Points to the Future of Precision Medicine in Genitourinary Cancers
ctDNA Points to the Future of Precision Medicine in Genitourinary Cancers

June 24th 2024