Significance of Durable Responses in DeLLphi-301 Trial


Joshua K. Sabari, MD, discusses how, despite the relatively small numbers of CRs and PRs in the DeLLphi-301 trial, the DOR to tarlatamab (exceeding 6 months in 59% of patients and more than 9 months in 29%) is promising, particularly considering that more than 50% of responders maintained their response at the data cutoff, indicating potential long-term benefits in this treatment setting.

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Despite the relatively small numbers of CRs and PRs (n = 68) in DeLLphi-301, please discuss your opinion on the DOR to tarlatamab at greater than 6 months (59%) and at greater than 9 months (29%), as well as the ongoing response at data cutoff (> 50% [n = 38]) in the 2 treatment groups?

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