67-year-old female, former smoker (30 pack-years, quit 10 years ago) presented to her pulmonologist with increased cough, dyspnea and hemoptysis. Past medical history of mild COPD. Patient swims three times a week and is continuing normal activities. ECOG PS was assessed as 1. CT scan of chest and abdomen show a lower right lobe lung nodule with several small liver lesions. PET/CT scan indicated lung cancer with liver metastases. Core needle biopsy was performed in the liver. Pathology report showed adenocarcinoma consistent with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Mutation testing showed aBRAF V600Emutation. PD-L1 status was negative. Patient was started on pemetrexed and carboplatin. After 3 of 6 planned cycles patient showed worsening signs of dyspnea with a weight loss of 10%. Repeat CT scan showed progression of primary lesion. Patient was started on dabrafenib + trametinib.