During a Case-Based Roundtable® event, Surbhi Sidana, MD, discussed the KarMMa-3 trial of earlier-line CAR T-cell therapy in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma in the first article of a 2-part series.
Surbhi Sidana, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Blood and Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy
Stanford Health Care
Palo Alto, CA
Two Years Later
The patient experienced her first relapse.
Six Months Later
After 2 prior lines of therapy, the patient presented to her oncologist with complaints of increased fatigue and persistent bone pain in her lower back exacerbated by minimal movement.
Targeted Oncology: Could you explain the design of the phase 3 KarMMa-3 trial (NCT03651128) and its significance in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma?
SURBHI SIDANA, MD: KarMMa-3, the trial of ide-cel [idecabtagene vicleucel; Abecma], enrolled patients who have had 2 to 4 prior lines of therapy, so [it did not include] the very early relapses with 1 prior line. They had to be refractory to the last regimen. It was a 2:1 randomization to ide-cel vs standard of care [SOC], and there were 5 different options. Very importantly, it was a crossover design. If you were randomly assigned to SOC, you could then cross over and get CAR T-cell therapy. This will become important because of the overall survival [OS] data [where] the curves don't separate out, probably because of crossover.
Bridging therapy was optional; if I was the one designing the trial, I wouldn't design it like this. It was optional and [must be] 1 cycle or less with a minimum 14 -day washout. [A total of 225 of 254 patients in the experimental arm] received CAR T-cell therapy with 150 to 450 million cells in the CAR T-cell arm. The patients in the comparator arm received standard regimens until progression. Over 200 patients received CAR T-cell therapy, and 126 patients received SOC. The primary end point was progression-free survival [PFS] and secondary end points were overall response rate [ORR], OS, etc.
The big picture is that the characteristics were well balanced [between the arms].1 Over 90% of these patients were daratumumab refractory, 95% and 93% [in the experimental and SOC arms, respectively], which tells you this is a very heavily treated population. The median number of prior lines of therapy for this trial was 3, so even though it's an earlier trial [than the prior KarMMa trial (NCT03361748)], it's not an early-line trial. The median number of lines of therapy for the initial approval was 5 and this is 3, so most patients had exhausted conventional options by this time point. it's important to keep this in mind because the results do look different between the 2 trials.
What were the key efficacy outcomes in this trial?
This trial was positive, meeting its primary end point for PFS.2 The median PFS for the CAR T-cell therapy arm was almost 14 months, and the median PFS for the SOC arm was 4 months. So SOC did just as I would have expect it to do [in patients with] 3 prior lines of therapy. The CAR T-cell therapy arm did better than what ide-cel results showed in the fifth-line setting, which was a median of 9 months of PFS.
The ORR was also better in the ide-cel arm, 71% vs 42%. The control arm did just as I would have expected; we expect an ORR of 30% to 40% at this stage. This is almost 2 times [better], which is great. The complete response rate was 44% with ide-cel vs 5% in SOC. When patients get a response, many of them get a deep response with CAR T-cell therapy. Even the PFS2, which is the PFS with the next line of therapy, was 23.5 months and with the SOC regimens was 16 months. These patients did better [with ide-cel than SOC] combined with the next line of therapy even though crossover was possible.