HR+/MP-H2 Breast Cancers Share Molecular Features With Triple-Negative Breast Cancers


A study compared the molecular profiles of 3 types of breast cancer: HR+/MP-H1, HR+/MP-H2, and TN/MP-H2. The findings suggest that HR+/MP-H2 tumors, despite being hormone receptor-positive, exhibit similar characteristics to triple-negative breast cancers.

Gene expression analysis revealed that HR+/MP-H2 tumors are more similar to TN/MP-H2 tumors than to HR+/MP-H1 tumors. Both HR+/MP-H2 and TN/MP-H2 cancers exhibited shared pathways involved in DNA repair and cell cycle regulation. Additionally, these tumor types displayed similar immune features, higher proliferation rates, and lower expression of ESR1 co-expressed genes.

These findings highlight the heterogeneity within hormone receptor-positive breast cancers and suggest that HR+/MP-H2 tumors may require different treatment approaches compared to other HR+ subtypes.

Here, Alejandro Rios Hoyo, associate research scientist at Yale School of Medicine, discusses the unanswered questions that still remain with these findings.


Well, one of the questions is, what's the best treatment for this population? Combination-based treatments? So as I said, we found that the immunotherapy group had a benefit. However, this is just an exploratory analysis, and it's all from a phase 2 clinical trial, and now there will be a phase 3 clinical trial that will try to answer whether this ultra-selected population that's primary receptor-positive, MP-H2 derives a benefit from neoadjuvant chemo-immunotherapy-based combinations.

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