Comparing Treatment Options: Luspatercept vs. Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents (ESAs)


Experts discuss factors influencing the choice between luspatercept and erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) for initial anemia treatment, considerations for transitioning patients from ESAs to luspatercept, optimal timing for such transitions, and the clinical benefits of luspatercept dose titration as evidenced by real-world data presented at EHA 2024.

Video content above is prompted by the following question(s):

  • When it comes to initial anemia treatment beyond transfusions, there are different options available including luspatercept and erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs).
    • What factors would you consider when deciding between these therapies for a particular patient?
  • For patients already on ESAs, what would prompt you to consider transitioning them to luspatercept therapy?
  • How do you determine the appropriate timing for such a switch?
  • Please discuss the clinical benefit of luspatercept dose titration from the RWE data presented at EHA 2024.
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Solly Chedid, MD, and Jamie Koprivnikar, MD
Solly Chedid, MD, and Jamie Koprivnikar, MD
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