Classification Changes Impacting the Treatment of LR-MDS


A medical oncology specialist discusses how recent data and improvements in genomic profiling are changing the classification of lower-risk MDS.

Video content above is prompted by the following:

  • Two recent data presentations have reported on the impact of baseline mutational burden on clinical outcomes for ESAs and luspatercept.
    • Please discuss the efficacy of ESAs in patients with very low vs. moderate low to very high IPSS-M risk groups.
    • Please discuss the clinical outcomes of luspatercept vs. epoetin alfa from the COMMANDS trial based on IPSS-M risk groups (low, moderate low, moderate high and high) and baseline mutational burden.
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Solly Chedid, MD, and Jamie Koprivnikar, MD
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Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
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