ACCC Recognizes Ethan Basch on Symptom Monitoring in Oncology


Ethan Basch, MD, MSc, recently received the Clinical Research Award from the Association of Community Cancer Centers during the 2019 National Oncology Conference. Basch explains the importance of receiving this award in light of his work around patient-reported outcomes for symptom monitoring in oncology.

Ethan Basch, MD, MSc, director, Cancer Outcomes Research Program, and Richard M. Goldberg Distinguished Professor in Medical Oncology, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, recently received the Clinical Research Award from the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) during the 2019 National Oncology Conference. Basch explains the importance of receiving this award in light of his work around patient-reported outcomes for symptom monitoring in oncology.

The idea of completing a questionnaire for symptom monitoring was not thought of by providers 15 years ago, says Basch. Today, more providers are monitoring patients, communicating with patients, and catching symptoms early. These concepts have now come into the forefront of how providers coordinate, manage, and navigate care.

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