Case Overview: A 73-Year-Old Male With Urothelial Carcinoma
Initial presentation
- A 73-year-old man presents with LUTS with intermittent hematuria
- PMH: HTN, well-controlled on an ARB; mild hepatic and renal impairment
- PE: distension of bladder; slow flow on voiding
Clinical workup
- Labs: Hb 11.4 g/dl, WBC 3.5 x 109/L, AST and ALT: ~4x ULN, CrCl: 35 mL/min; others WNL
- Cystoscopy: showed a 2.6 cm mass around the neck of the bladder
- TURBT was performed; transition cell carcinoma of the urothelium, with tumor invading the perivesical tissue
- Chest/abdomen/pelvic CT scan: large bladder mass, evidence of multiple regional lymph nodes involved (perivesical and sacral), and a 2.3 cm mass in the left upper lobe
- Stage IIIB; ECOG PS 1
- Patient received 6 cycles of carboplatin + gemcitabine; achieved partial response
- CT abdomen/pelvis showed decrease size in bladder mass, nodal findings mildly improved, no evidence of new disease
- Initiated avelumab 10 mg/kg IV q2W as maintenance therapy