The Distribution and Geographic Accessibility of Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials in the U.S.


Matthew D. Galsky, MD, from The Mount Sinai Hospital, discusses an analysis of the distribution and geographic accessibility of prostate cancer clinical trials in the U.S.

Clinical Pearls

Matthew D. Galsky, MD, associate professor, medicine, hematology and medical oncology, assistant professor, urology, The Mount Sinai Hospital, discusses an analysis of the distribution and geographic accessibility of prostate cancer clinical trials in the U.S.

  • Classically defined barriers to enrollment on clinical trials have been patient awareness, acceptance of enrollment, and eligibility of enrollment
  • Much less work has been done on the availability of cancer clinical trials
  • This analysis aimed to answer the question of how far would an individual would have to travel to access their closest clinical trial site
  • A large proportion of the population would need to travel greater than 30 miles to reach a cancer clinical trial site
  • Greater than 30 miles has been used to characterize ‘high travel burden’ in previous studies


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