Jyoti Patel, MD:There has been a significant shift and a leap forward in our understanding of how to treat stage 3 lung cancer, primarily because of the PACIFIC trial. And that trial was a study that enrolled over 700 patients and randomized them in a 2:1 fashion to receive durvalumab or placebo and after the completion of chemotherapy and concurrent radiation therapy.
In this study, which has been reported with the interim planned analysis, progression-free survival was significantly better with a hazard ratio of almost 0.5 with durvalumab consolidation therapy or for up to a year versus placebo. So, many fewer patients had recurrence of disease. We are awaiting overall survival analyses, but there are a lot of important factors in patients who received the durvalumab that make us quite optimistic that overall survival will also hit its primary endpoint. One of those is the time, the percentage of patients who had distance recurrence, as well as the percentage of patients who had CMS recurrence.
Now, the trial is sort of a real-world trial. Patients were treated from all over the world. The chemotherapy regimen and radiation were not strictly prescribed, so patients could have a range of radiation therapies and multiple chemotherapy regimens. What was required was that therapy was concurrent and that there was no consolidation therapy. So, because this was done in the rest of the world, up to one-quarter of patients had induction chemotherapy before radiation was started, which is a practice in Europe and in many places where radiation may not be as readily available initially. And then patients could start radiation or could start durvalumab very soon after completion of chemoradiationup to 6 weeks afterward.
Because progression-free survival was adjudicated at the time patients were randomized, the progression-free survival in the placebo arm was 5.6 months versus 16.8 months in the durvalumab arm. That time of chemotherapy and radiation was not really counted, nor was that time that elapsed and up until 6 weeks until patients were entered on the trial, and so that number is probably larger. Regardless, it’s a huge magnitude of benefit with a large number of patients having no evidence of progression who received the durvalumab over placebo.
Certainly, there were many questions about safety with this regimen. We have, as a community, been nervous about pneumonitis after treatment with checkpoint inhibitors. And this regimen was really well tolerated in a population that we think is quite sick after chemotherapy and radiation. And in fact, pneumonitis rates were barely different between placebo and durvalumab, about 3% grade 3 in the durvalumab arm.
Patients tolerated therapy. There was a small number of grade 3 events, and it is important for us to look at are things like pneumonitis, which was at a very low levelin grade 3, about 3%—so patients did quite well. Given the impressive progressive-free survival, given the tolerability and the toxicity, many of us have brought this to our practice, even though overall survival results are not yet available.
Transcript edited for clarity.
Brahmer Considers First-Line Immunotherapy Options in Metastatic NSCLC
February 17th 2025During a Case-Based Roundtable® event, Julie R. Brahmer, MD, MSC, reviewed the CheckMate 9LA, KEYNOTE-407, and POSEIDON trials of immunotherapy in patients with metastatic non–small cell lung cancer.
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