Guess the Diagnosis: Case 2


Guess the Diagnosis

Guess the Diagnosis: Case 2

Mark F. is a 25-year-old law school student from Florida with a 3-week history of severe fatigue, night sweats, and weight loss; he has also reported high fevers for the past week. He did not complain of joint pain.

  • He presents to the emergency department complaining of abdominal pain. His past medical history is notable for enlarged thyroid incidentally found 5 years before; family history relevant for an aunt with rheumatoid arthritis
  • Physical exam was notable for generalized lymphadenopathy (1-2 cm), hepatosplenomegaly, bilateral pleural effusions, ascites, and 4+ peripheral edema. Laboratory findings show anemia (7 gm/dL), elevated CRP (150 mg/L), ESR (120mm/hr), creatinine (3.0 mmol/L), Albumin of 2.1 g/dL and normal immunoglobulin levels (IgG: 1100 mg/dL, IgA: 300 mg/dL, IgM 200 mg/dL), low platelets (50,000/mL), positive ANA 1:160 with a speckled pattern. RhF was negative. Coagulation screen was not suggestive of DIC. LDH was normal

The patient was admitted for further assessment.

  • Regressed germinal centers, scattered hyperplastic follicles, preserved architecture with patent peripheral sinuses and florid interfollicular plasmacytosis with no light chain restriction
  • Rheumatologist diagnosed the patient with SLE and treated with high-dose steroids; this did not result in a major improvement in symptoms, laboratory parameters or lymphadenopathy

Mark’s SLE diagnosis was reviewed and further testing was performed:

  • The patient was believed to be too sick to be taken to the OR to undergo a lymph node biopsy, so a bone marrow biopsy was performed. Bone marrow showed a hypercellular marrow with mild increase in polyclonal plasma cells and moderate reticulin fibrosis
  • Laboratory work: Negative dsDNA, anti-Smith and anti-phopsholipid antibodies with normal complement levels; ANCA and anti-streptolysis O titer are negative. No M protein on protein electrophoresis. 24-hour urine showed mild proteinuria. Monospot negative. TSH, T4, and T3 normal. Normal thyroglobulin and thryoid peroxidase antibodies. Urinary sediment is negative as are urine and blood cultures. IL-6 is 6 pg/mL
  • CT-PET: generalized lymphadenopathy with low-positive FDG uptake
  • Without a clear diagnosis, a lymph node biopsy was performed of the cervical chain: Regressed germinal centers, scattered hyperplastic follicles, preserved architecture with patent peripheral sinuses; florid interfollicular plasmacytosis, prominent vascularization with absence of light chain restriction. Negative LANA-1, IgG4, and EBER stains. Negative PCR for B-cell clonality
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