Thanos Papakostas, MD:Overall, 60% of the patients on 8 mg of erdafitinib developed any type of ocular toxicity. And overall, the percentage was about 54%. There were 3 major ocular adverse events. The first is dry eye, and the second is conjunctivitis, and the third, which is perhaps the most serious is the development of central serous-like retinopathy [CSR].
The dry eye syndrome and the conjunctivitis are pretty mild toxicity, so they can be managed with lubricating eye drops. These are very mild, it’s not a big problem. The central serous-like retinopathy again was not a big problem in the trial. Only 3 patients had to stop erdafitinib because of the accumulation of fluid in the retina, and overall the toxicities were mild.
It’s hard to know right now because it’s a newly approved medicine, so we’ll know more data as it’s more used in the future. But it seems that it has a similar toxicity profile, especially when it comes down to the most important toxicity, which is the CSR-like retinopathy, it’s very similar to what we see with MEK inhibitors.
Transcript edited for clarity.