Experts collaborate on 3 patient scenarios to review the current treatment paradigm of graft versus host disease in the context of key clinical trial data.
EP. 1: Virtual Tumor Board®: An Overview on Graft-Versus-Host Disease and Prophylaxis
Expert perspectives on the nature and occurrence of graft-versus-host disease alongside available prophylactic regimens.
EP. 2: Scenario 1: Acute GVHD Symptomology and Patient Education
Centering discussion on a patient scenario of acute graft-versus-host disease, participants discuss nuance in disease symptomology and patient education.
EP. 3: Scenario 1: Selecting Therapy for Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease
A panel of experts discuss systemic therapy to manage a patient with acute graft-versus-host disease.
EP. 4: Scenario 1: Optimizing Management of Acute GVHD
Experts review the prognosis of a patient with acute graft-versus-host disease and identify ways to optimize their treatment strategies.
EP. 5: Scenario 2: Challenges in Early Intervention for Chronic GVHD
Shifting their focus to chronic graft-versus-host disease, experts review a patient scenario and discuss the challenges in early intervention.
EP. 6: Scenario 2: Identifying Chronic GVHD and Risk Status
Shared insight on how to distinguish chronic GVHD from acute GVHD, as well as utilize appropriate methods to risk stratify disease.
EP. 7: Scenario 2: Ibrutinib and Ruxolitinib as Treatment Options in cGVHD
A review of treatment options approved for steroid-refractory chronic graft-versus-host disease starting with ibrutinib and ruxolitinib.
EP. 8: Scenario 2: Belumosudil and Axatilimab as Treatment Options in cGVHD
Considerations for belumosudil and axatilimab as treatment options for steroid-refractory chronic graft-versus-host disease.
EP. 9: Scenario 2: Selecting Therapy for Steroid-Refractory GVHD
Having reviewed approved treatment options for steroid-refractory, chronic GVHD, experts discuss how they would address this patient scenario.
EP. 10: Scenario 2: Treatment-Induced Damage in Chronic GVHD
A brief discussion on the risk of treatment-induced damage when managing patients with chronic graft-versus-host disease.
EP. 11: Chronic GVHD: Prognoses and Future Directions in Care
Closing out their discussion on graft-versus-host disease, participants reflect on patient prognoses and the future directions of care.