Case: 58-Year-Old Woman Diagnosed With Polycythemia Vera
November 2018
- A 58-year old woman presents to PCP complaining of abdominal pain, dizziness and headaches
- PE: BP 140/85; Splenomegaly ~6 cm below left costal margin
- PMH: No prior history of thrombosis
- Lab values:
- HGB: 17.1 g/dL
- Hct: .50 L/L
- RBC: 71 x 1012/L
- WBC: 13.2 x 109/L
- Serum EPO: 4.1 mU/mL
- Bone Marrow Biopsy: Erythroid hyperplasia
- Cytogenetics: JAK-V617Fmutation