Dr. Gradishar would consider investigational trials, if available, or any other chemotherapy drug with activity in breast cancer that has bad prognosis, as outlined above.
CASE 2: Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Arlene C. is a 40-year-old premenopausal white woman from Cleveland who works as a pharmaceutical sales representative.
In November 2012, she was referred by her PCP for imaging and further evaluation after her initial mammography returned an abnormal result.
Mammography showed a 2.0-cm tumor
Core biopsy tested positive for IDC in left-lower outer quadrant (negative for ER and PgR; HER2 IHC 2+, but FISH-negative)
Patient’s family history was unremarkable for breast cancer; she declined genetic testing
Patient received breast-conserving surgery; sentinel lymph node evaluation was negative
Tumor classified as Stage 1A (T1bN0M0)
Patient received adjuvant TC chemotherapy (docetaxel 75 mg/m2 IV day 1, cyclophosphamide 600 mg/m2 IV day 1 cycled every 21 days for 4 cycles) with pegfilgrastim support, with subsequent adjuvant radiotherapy
In December 2013, patient returns to PCP complaining of intermittent cough and dyspnea; she is referred back to her oncologist for further workup.
PET scan showed evidence of local recurrence in the left breast and multiple lung nodules; bone scan showed a rib lesion
Having progressed within 12 months of her TC regimen, patient is considered partially taxane resistant
Biopsy of breast and lung nodule was consistent with the primary tumor’s phenotype
Gemcitabine/carboplatin chemotherapy was administered for metastatic disease (gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 days 1 and 8, carboplatin AUC 2 IV, days 1 and 8, cycled every 21 days)
Following the 6th cycle, patient is unable to work with increasing fatigue, intermittent rib pain, and worsening dyspnea.