Would you consider another EGFR-directed therapy in this patient, and does her mutational status affect your decision?
The mutational status certainly does affect the therapeutic approach. This patient was, presumably, extendedRAS
CASE: Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (Part 2)
Following her first-line recurrence, Diane is switched to FOLFIRI, and bevacizumab is continued.
In July of 2014, she presents to her oncologist with fatigue, dyspnea, and worsening performance status, and her CEA had increased to 180 ng/mL.
Based on results of her mutational analysis, which showed KRAS WT; BRAF negative; RAS WT, the patient is considered eligible for treatment with an anti-EGFR agent, and she is initiated on cetuximab + irinotecan.
In November of 2014, the patient presents with dyspnea, increasing CEA and worsening performance status.