Dr. Emmanuel S. Antonarakis on the Future of the AR-V7 Biomarker in Prostate Cancer


Emmanuel S. Antonarakis, MBBCh, assistant professor, Johns Hopkins Medicine, on the coming importance of being tested for the ARV7 marker and future treatments for patients with the marker.

Emmanuel S. Antonarakis, MBBCh, associate professor, Johns Hopkins Medicine, discusses the coming importance of being tested for the ARV7 marker and future treatments for patients with the marker. Antonarakis says in the future, the ARV7 marker could be an indicator for certain treatments like an androgen receptor therapy, such as enzalutamide or abiraterone, or a chemotherapy like docetaxel or cabazitaxel.

Antonarakis adds that it is only a matter of time before phase II and phase III trials will be available for oncologists to put patients on, specifically patients who express ARV7.

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