Hormone Sensitive Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer


Hormone Sensitive Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

Hormone Sensitive mPC progressing to mCRPC

March 2015


  • A 76-year old gentleman presented to his urologist with nocturia and lower back pain
  • PMH: unremarkable
  • Digital rectal examination revealed an abnormal area of hardness


  • Transrectal ultrasound and biopsy revealed adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland with a Gleason score 8 [4+4] with 9 of 12 cores positive
    • PSA, 85.3 ng/mL
    • Testosterone, 300 ng/dL
  • CT scan showed multiple metastases of the spine
  • He was started on abiraterone + prednisone + goserelin
  • PSA and testosterone level continued to decline over the next 2 years to PSA, 0.1 ng/ml; testosterone <3 ng/dL.

March 2018

  • After 3 years of therapy patient reported increasing fatigue
  • PSA and testosterone levels began to rise
    • PSA increased from 0.5 ng/ml to 1.0 ng/ml; 2.0 ng/mg to 4.8 ng/ml at 2-3 month intervals
    • Testosterone, <3 ng/dL
    • CT scan shows several new bone metastasis; others improved
  • Patient is diagnosed as castration resistant and abiraterone + prednisone was discontinued
  • Radium-223 therapy was initiated
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Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
Jamie L. Koprivnikar, MD, an expert on MDS
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